Monday, November 27, 2006

Great site about Mexico

Aiden found this site about Mexico, it has lots of information about life there. He was able to learn a lot about how people use limited resources in their daily lives.

Click here

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Do you need information about a country?

Hyuk found this fantastic web resource - it gives you lots of very useful information about all the countries in the world. Some of the language is very complicated, so you might need to get some help with reading and understanding it, but a lot of the language is easy enough for Grade 4 students. Have a look... click here

Monday, November 20, 2006

What resources can be found on south america

Here are some good websites with maps of the world and information about each continent

What finite resources can be found in Oceania? (Sadman, Farisha, Tanhaz and Aniket)

Countries: Australia,New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu

Resources found in Oceania: Coal field, oil, gas, iron, gold, silver, tin, copper, nickel

What finite resources can be found in Europe? (Rafsan, Shuvo, Su, Saahir)

Countries: France, Finland, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria, Sitzerland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Ukraine, Austria, Macedonia, Romania,Poland, Portugal,Russia, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech, Ireland,Georgia, Azebajan,Armenia, Albania, Yugoslavia, Stockholm, Almeria, Netherlands, Vadso, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova.

Resources found in Europe: Coal Field, Oil Field, Gas Field, Iron Ore, Silver, Tin, Copper, Bauxite and Phosphates.

What finite resources can be found in South America? (Albab, Mankanwar, Ashiana and Hyuk)

Countries: Colombia, Venezuela ,Guyan, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecudor, Brazil, Argentina, parguay, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Falk land, Chile

Resources found in South America: iron,golden,tin,cooper,silver,nickles,bauxtie,phostphase,oil,coal,gas and electricity.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

The distribution of our Earth's resources

Now we're using atlases and other resources to find out how the Earth's resources are distributed. The kids have been divided into new groups:

Oceania, Africa, Europe, South America, North America and Asia. In their groups, they're going to locate the sources of that continent's limited resources. They will then find out how much of those resources are used by people on that continent.

I think they'll find the results quite interesting!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Role Play - Dealing with water shortages

The kids have been put into a real-life situation - there is no more fresh water in the town they live in. They've been divided into four groups of people: wealthy people, poor people, politicians and businesspeople.

They were asked first to in groups that had one wealthy person, one person, one politician and one businessperson. They discussed the problem and tried to reach some agreements about how to deal with it. This was very difficult!!!

They then got together with people of the same type to discuss ways to solve the problem, and they found it much easier to agree.