Monday, November 20, 2006

What resources can be found on south america

Here are some good websites with maps of the world and information about each continent

What finite resources can be found in Oceania? (Sadman, Farisha, Tanhaz and Aniket)

Countries: Australia,New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu

Resources found in Oceania: Coal field, oil, gas, iron, gold, silver, tin, copper, nickel

What finite resources can be found in Europe? (Rafsan, Shuvo, Su, Saahir)

Countries: France, Finland, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria, Sitzerland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Ukraine, Austria, Macedonia, Romania,Poland, Portugal,Russia, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech, Ireland,Georgia, Azebajan,Armenia, Albania, Yugoslavia, Stockholm, Almeria, Netherlands, Vadso, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova.

Resources found in Europe: Coal Field, Oil Field, Gas Field, Iron Ore, Silver, Tin, Copper, Bauxite and Phosphates.

What finite resources can be found in South America? (Albab, Mankanwar, Ashiana and Hyuk)

Countries: Colombia, Venezuela ,Guyan, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecudor, Brazil, Argentina, parguay, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Falk land, Chile

Resources found in South America: iron,golden,tin,cooper,silver,nickles,bauxtie,phostphase,oil,coal,gas and electricity.


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