Here are some good websites with maps of the world and information about each continent finite resources can be found in Oceania? (Sadman, Farisha, Tanhaz and Aniket)Countries: Australia,New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu
Resources found in Oceania: Coal field, oil, gas, iron, gold, silver, tin, copper, nickel
What finite resources can be found in Europe? (Rafsan, Shuvo, Su, Saahir)Countries: France, Finland, Turkey, Spain, Italy, Greece, England, Germany, Sweden, Bulgaria, Sitzerland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Iceland, Ukraine, Austria, Macedonia, Romania,Poland, Portugal,Russia, Hungary, Belarus, Slovakia, Czech, Ireland,Georgia, Azebajan,Armenia, Albania, Yugoslavia, Stockholm, Almeria, Netherlands, Vadso, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Moldova.
Resources found in Europe: Coal Field, Oil Field, Gas Field, Iron Ore, Silver, Tin, Copper, Bauxite and Phosphates.
What finite resources can be found in South America? (Albab, Mankanwar, Ashiana and Hyuk)
Countries: Colombia, Venezuela ,Guyan, Suriname, French Guiana, Ecudor, Brazil, Argentina, parguay, Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay, Falk land, Chile
Resources found in South America: iron,golden,tin,cooper,silver,nickles,bauxtie,phostphase,oil,coal,gas and electricity.